Find your

Personal Trainer

wherever you are!

We come to you!

Personal Training in the comfort and privacy of your home. 

Wake up and Workout

YourTrainer is a mobile personal training service, we come to you and train you in the comfort of your home.  You do not need any equipment – we provide everything needed.  We start with a fitness and body composition assessment and do these again in regular intervals.

YourTrainer Fitness is an all-in-one health and fitness solution which is specifically tailored to fit your lifestyle, fitness levels and physical capabilities.

There are a variety of professional fitness and lifestyle services to suit your needs and these include:

  • mobile personal training (for your convenience),

  • group training,

  • corporate fitness & wellness days

  • online personal training,

  • nutritional guidance and planning,

  • pre- and post-natal training,

  • one-on-one in-home Pilates


Change begins with one small step…  and then another, and another, and another.  Having a guide to point you in the right direction and keep you on track can make all the difference.  If you want results for life – fat loss, muscle gain, training for specific events, I can give you the tools to enable you to get the transformation you desire.  I take an integrated, holistic approach to personal training. 

Learn how to really train – instead of just exercise, with a focus on proper form, gradual progression and sufficient recovery.  I will give you a solid foundation, prepare you for higher intensity work, and help you maximize results.

Training sessions available in the privacy and comfort of your own home

Contact us: or 078 112 7253

Your Personal trainer

Meet the team
Lee Niemandt – JHB

Personal Training | Fitness | Weight Loss

Mike McDonald – JHB

Personal Training | Fitness | Weight Loss

Jeff Lunsky – JHB North

Personal Training | Sport Specific | Fitness

Jess Skinner – JHB

Personal Training | Sport Specific | Fitness

Cameron Harris – JHB

Strength & Conditioning Coach | Personal Trainer

Melanie Dowson – JHB

Body Transformation | General Well-Being | Strength and Conditioning

Lauren Rolfe – JHB

Personal Training | Long-Distance Running | Swimming |  Pre- and Postnatal Training

Your Personal trainer

Frequently Asked Questions

A personal trainer is a fitness professional who works with individuals to help them achieve their health and fitness goals. Their job involves designing personalized workout programs, providing instruction on proper exercise techniques, and offering guidance on nutrition and lifestyle choices. They also motivate and support their clients, monitor their progress, and adjust the training program as needed.

Whether or not a personal trainer is worth it depends on individual circumstances and goals. Personal trainers can be highly beneficial for those who need guidance, accountability, and motivation to achieve their fitness objectives. They possess the knowledge and expertise to create effective workout plans tailored to specific needs, ensuring safety and efficiency. Additionally, they can provide valuable insights into nutrition and help clients overcome obstacles or plateaus. However, the cost of hiring a personal trainer should also be considered, and individuals who are self-motivated and knowledgeable about fitness may not require one.

The frequency of sessions with a personal trainer depends on various factors, such as your goals, current fitness level, availability, and budget. Typically, beginners or those with specific goals may benefit from more frequent sessions, such as two to three times per week. This allows for consistent guidance, proper form correction, and ongoing motivation. As you become more experienced and confident in your workouts, you might choose to see a trainer less frequently, perhaps once a week or even once every few weeks, for periodic check-ins, program updates, or to learn new exercises.

Working with a personal trainer offers several benefits:

  • Personalized approach: Trainers create customized workout plans based on your goals, fitness level, and any limitations you may have, ensuring optimal results.
  • Proper technique and safety: Trainers teach you the correct form and technique for each exercise, reducing the risk of injury and maximizing effectiveness.
  • Motivation and accountability: They provide ongoing support, motivation, and encouragement, helping you stay consistent and committed to your fitness journey.
  • Goal setting and tracking: Trainers help you set realistic goals and track your progress, making adjustments to the program as necessary.
  • Efficiency and variety: They introduce new exercises, training methods, and equipment to keep your workouts fresh, challenging, and enjoyable.
  • Education and empowerment: Trainers educate you about fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle choices, empowering you with knowledge to make informed decisions beyond the training sessions.

No, you do not necessarily need a personal trainer to lose weight. Weight loss primarily depends on creating a calorie deficit through a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. However, a personal trainer can greatly assist you in achieving weight loss goals. They can design a well-rounded exercise program that incorporates both cardiovascular and strength training exercises, which are crucial for weight loss. Moreover, they provide guidance on nutrition, help you stay motivated, and hold you accountable, increasing the chances of success. While a personal trainer can be beneficial, it is still possible to lose weight without one by adopting a well-structured self-guided fitness and nutrition plan.

A personal trainer performs a range of duties, including:

  • Assessing clients' fitness levels, health history, and goals.
  • Designing personalized workout programs based on individual needs and preferences.
  • Demonstrating proper exercise techniques and providing guidance on form correction.
  • Monitoring clients' progress, tracking measurements, and adjusting the program accordingly.
  • Offering nutritional advice and guidance to support clients' fitness goals.
  • Providing motivation, encouragement, and support to help clients stay focused and committed.
  • Educating clients on various aspects of fitness, including exercise principles, lifestyle changes, and injury prevention.
  • Ensuring clients' safety during workouts and modifying exercises for individuals with specific limitations or health concerns.
  • Staying updated with the latest research and trends in the fitness industry to enhance knowledge and provide the best possible guidance to clients.

Let's start training!

Personal Training in Johannesburg

We are now also available in Bedforview & Edenvale!